Dress Code

Members, their guests and visitors are respectfully reminded of the expected standards of dress on the Royal Aberdeen golf courses, practice areas and in the clubhouse.

Golf shirts must have collars, turtle or polo necks. Collarless shirts, t-shirts, football shirts and any shirts carrying non-golfing slogans, numbers or illustrations, are not permitted.

Shirts must be tucked in at all times.

Trousers and shorts should be tailored and appropriate for golf. Denim, camouflage style trousers, cargo pants, cut-offs or tracksuits, are not permitted.

Recognised golfing headwear is acceptable on the courses and practice areas (not in the clubhouse) but caps with a peak must be worn with the peak at the front.

Spikes or rubber soled golf shoes must be worn on the course. Trainers are not permitted on the course, practice ground or in the clubhouse.

Spiked shoes may be worn to and from the locker rooms but are not permitted in other areas of the clubhouse.

Jacket and tie and commensurate non-golfing attire for ladies should be worn in the dining room at all times and on Saturdays in the main lounge at weekend.